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Southwest Christian Center Bakersfield Ca

Southwest Christian Center Bakersfield Ca


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Pentatonix - Little Drummer Boy - Capella

Vince Gill - Go Rest High

Johnny Cash - Lifes Railway to Heaven

NeedToBreathe - Lay Em Down

Facing Ben's Giant Update - 12/2/13

Ben is feeling a little weak today, and his blood counts have dropped. Just last week his white blood cell counts were up, and he felt great! Today, they're below normal, so either he's in the midst of fighting an infection or he's getting ready to fight one. We don't want that! And we don't want a fever! Thank you in advance for your prayers!! Ben, Diane and Rob

Monday, December 2, 2013

Broken Chains - Quotes - Randall Nelsen

"The chain of your past can pull something new out of your future."
- Randall Nelsen

Gods Masterpiece - Message - Randall Nelsen

 Gods Masterpiece
 Ephesians 2:10

Even a Masterpiece looks funny if it remains in a crooked picture frame. Likewise as we read the Word of God the Masterpiece begins in our hearts  and it also affects how we appear to others. People will begin to

NeedtoBreathe - Something Beautiful

NeedtoBreathe - Washed

Holy Bible Playlist