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Southwest Christian Center Bakersfield Ca

Southwest Christian Center Bakersfield Ca


Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Devil Wears Prada - Mammoth


I won't let this ruin me.

My orchestra, my indecision: It all comes back full circle (from grace to
All my hate).
I never meant to hurt anyone. (anyone) I came for peace, and for great
There is no solace, there's no alleviation in all our money, or within her
Golden teeth.

Is this it? Is this how it goes? I am the wretched one, I am the beggar's
It comes back full circle. I cannot help but feel nothing.
Pick it up... Oh...
Such a bitter friend, change can be.
Remind me God, refresh what's turned to grey.
Oh my intentions, you vanish with the wind.

The Devil Wears Prada - First Sight

The Devil Wears Prada
 First Sight
Promise the lake
Don’t try, don’t be
Exist just like me
Promise shame
Every bit of everything is screaming so quietly
Is there anything else to say?
Are there any more words to sing?
Right after doubting all the things you claim
Right before giving all of it away
I thought I was ready to write
But you had me years ago
You had me at first sight
Even if it means nothing now

Facing Bens Giant Update

We are so thankful that Ben was released last night from the hospital. Next week he starts that week long chemo treatment again, the one that they think landed him in the hospital to begin with, so your prayers are GREATLY appreciated. They're hoping that starting him on anti-biotics and andi-diarrheals before he starts on Monday will fend off another attack of pancreatitis (he experienced a mild form due to the infection that occurred). IN the meantime, please meet

The Devil Wears Prada recent Interview - Artisan News

The Devil Wears Prada - Born To Lose

The Devil Wears Prada
Born To Lose  

Blessed be those who have no idols. NO IDOLS
Invoke holy honor, sanctify the patient.
I don't see the world the same.
I'm no one's hero, so just forget my name.

I abhor you,
With every foolish thing that you say.

None of it is worth the time:
Another meaningless war.

You don't know what you need.
We're all so back and forth,
Nothing is as it seems.
You don't know what you need.
We make the same mistakes,
We've ruined everything.

What is it this time?
What must you call holy?
This is your lifeline,
Nothing is at it seems.

The Devil Wears Prada - Martyrs

The Devil Wears Prada


I know I’m always here,
And I will always beg,
‘Forgive us’.

It’s just that I am
I am always gone.

So we’ll start with a question:
Why’s this on me?
What’s this have to do with faith?
It will always be ‘us and me’…
I’m just sick of being


Like the winds and her faint breeze,


Like the church to ‘set me free’.

I’m dead to those who tried to impress,
I’m dead to those who had my trust,
I’m dead to distance and to home,
I’m dead to me; I died by the Throne.

Plumb - One Drop - Live KLOVE

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Youth Pastor Stacey - Word of The Day (James 1:2-4 10/30/2013)

  Word of The Day James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

James 1:2-4

Jentezen Franklin - Doves Feet - Pt 1

Andy Mineo - You Will

Toby Mac - Lose My Soul

Derek Minor - Dear Mr Christian

Tripp Lee - Robot

"Pastor Billy Graham" - Youth Pastor Stacey - Resting Faith


A word from Billy Graham well worth sharing....
The testing of your faith produces patience.
James 1:3

Dwight L. Moody was fond of pointing out that there are three kinds of faith in Jesus Christ: struggling faith, which is like a man floundering and fearful in deep water; clinging faith, which is like a man hanging to the side of a boat; and resting faith, which finds a man safe inside the boat - strong and secure enough to reach out his hand to help someone else.

Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit of Python (Remix Pt 1 of 4)

Lifehouse Skit Everything

A Father and His Son

Tripp Lee - Fallin

Tedashii - Dum Dum

116 crew - Man Up

V. ROSE - Surrender

Skillet- Awake and Alive

Skillet- Sick of It

Plumb - Cut

Kriss Kaliko - Unstable

Monday, October 28, 2013

Colton Dixon - "Let Them See You" (Official Lyrics)

Casting Crowns-"Praise You In This Storm" (live)

Please Pray For Ben and his Family Everyone

Friday Oct 25

Thursday 10:45pm, Ben's fever is down to 99.3 last time we checked which is good for
him.  Usually chemo patients will run a fever (low grade) most of the time.  And
so that would be a "normal" temp for him.  Hoping that it will stay down.  Still
not sure what caused it, but chemo doctor does think that his body reacted
harshly to the everyday chemo treatment from last week.

Message - Pastor Stacey - Hebrews 10:19-22

 Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

Hebrews 10:19-22

Uno Uno Seis by Andy Mineo (Dance)

Forward 2013 Tribal Wars

Boot camp skit

Welcome to YROC


God is all about forgiveness, redemption, and restoration.  SCC wants all to know that YOU BELONG and is a church that welcomes the imperfect. SCC can offer ways to ensure that YOU are among “the Saints marching in” and included “in that number” recorded in The Book of Life!  
Let’s all go for it!
The Youth FORWARD Conference at Irvine was marvelous! Each year all conference participants are divided into youth groups called tribes. They are Ninjas, Pirates, Cowboys, or Indians, and throughout the conference they participate in games and competitions called Tribal Wars. This was SCC’s second year as Indians, and our youth won the Tribal War. Thanks for all the photo pictures sent in by our kids.

Kat and Brandi craftily designed the beautiful, colorful shirts that our youth group wore. The testimonials from our teenagers were as golden as their shirts. They were delightful! Here is some of what they shared with our congregation: “The conference was an eye opening experience . . .” “Big blessing!” “Definitely God’s work . . . ” “Encouraging to see all the kids worshiping . . .” “Rekindling of my fire . . . ” “Learned that no matter where I go or what I do, I still have value to God . . .” Aren’t these remarkable comments from our youth spoken with great confidence and conviction. We have some great speakers in that group! This year’s group of participants was bigger than before. Each youth who spoke thanked everyone who sponsored them or contributed to making it possible for them to attend. You could sense their excitement and gratitude.

Our youth had a glorious time and returned home inspired and more motivated to serve the Lord. The conference speakers (Reggie Dabbs, Jentezen Franklin, and Chad Veach) preached amazing messages that really spoke to the kids. The bands (Israel Houghton, Planet Shakers, and Worth Dying For) were great! The kids really internalized the messages, and their desire is to keep their fire going strong for the Lord.

Pastor Stacey says, “I was once again thanked for bringing our group and told that their enthusiasm really encouraged the conference leaders. That makes me a very proud, very blessed youth pastor!” Indeed you are a blessed youth pastor, Pastor Stacey, and because of your dedication to our youth, certainly you have earned the right to be proud. We are honored that God planted you at Southwest Christian Center. We are further blessed to have you and your dynamic team working with our youth. Your enthusiasm, as well as that of your team and our youth, is contagious!

During the Fall, the Y-ROC team will continue their ministry by canvassing neighborhoods, passing out information about our church. The Y-ROC acronym stands for Youth Reaching Others for Christ, and certainly our youth are doing just that, as they are walking epistles -- living testimonies. They carry their ministry into their school classrooms, on their jobs, and wherever they go -- spreading the word that Jesus Christ rocks!
CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES-KC2C & FAITHWEAVERSJoin us every Tuesday night, 6:45 PM for FaithWeaver's Family Bible Study!

Toddlers, children, youth, and adults study the same Bible passages [at different levels, of course] each week. This creates a common point
of reference that will spark discussion and application at home.  Students  of all ages will experience God's story in fresh, fun, and meaningful ways; understand God's Word by doing surprising, fun stuff; discover the adventure of applying God's truth to everyday life; build a forever friendship with Jesus - the best friend they could ever  have!
Education is a lifelong activity, which  begins at birth and continues until a person’s last days on earth.   Christian Education also is a life-long  process.  Kids’ Club, Faith Weavers, Bible Study Series, and Promise  Keepers have resumed regular schedules for the new academic year.   Pray for our students and teachers  in all educational arenas, including our Bible Studies

Holy Bible Playlist